Cromhout House in Amsterdam

NederlandCromhout House



🕗 openingstijden

366, Herengracht, 1016 CH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 2436
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.368528, Longitude: 4.88629

opmerkingen 5

  • Adv Decals

    Adv Decals


    I stumbled upon this museum while making my way to the Canals museum just up the road. You get to see how the wealthy in the Golden Age lived, as a bonus, there's a Bible museum on the third floor. The house is very ornate and houses collections of collectibles amassed by prominent Amsterdam citizens of the past. Lots to see and the included audio guide gives you all the info you need. I have also added photos of the Bible museum.

  • Darya Jouravlov

    Darya Jouravlov


    Great museum with many hysterical exhabition.

  • Anders Weinberg

    Anders Weinberg


    Very interesting. Everything is well displayed and the audio guide is great. Recommended to everyone with a historical interest.

  • Rogier Holla

    Rogier Holla


    Beautiful period house. In every room samples of collections from Amsterdammers that were donated to the city. Informative audio tour. At the top floors, the building houses the biblical museum, this is a separate collection, although your ticket gives access to both museums.

  • Rob Brinkerink

    Rob Brinkerink


    Beautiful historic canal house with a stunning interior. Gives an insight into how people lived some 300 years ago. Also the relationship to the American independence is made there, president Adams was an acquaintance of the places’ owner. More details of the story are told in the museum. Next to this, it would also be a great place to go for a bite in the garden, very relaxed with multiple private corners. So if you have a museumkaart, it’s totally worth it to just go there for lunch.

Museum in de buurt

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