Brompton Junction Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandBrompton Junction Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

14-H, Reestraat, 1016 DN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 363 8111
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3724954, Longitude: 4.8837436

opmerkingen 5

  • tommy bong

    tommy bong


    I had a better experience when I visited this store on January 2020. The shopkeeper was very welcoming and passionately explained everything about brompton. Fast forward 7 months, it was unpleasant experience. I couldn't agree more with the recent reviews from other visitors. The attitude of the shopkeeper (I'm 99% he is still the same guy) is totally changed, I'm curious what happened to him that makes him unfriendly nowadays. (I purchase another brompton today and he seems not happy at all)

  • Mirko Bruner

    Mirko Bruner


    Coolest Place in Amsterdam to Rent a Bicycle. Only 10 Euros a day. The shop is really good and the staff is welcoming and friendly. I love those bicycles and going definitely to rent one for riding this beautiful city.

  • John Butler-Gould

    John Butler-Gould


    With more than 22 and a half million bicycles In the Netherlands, equating to an average of 1.3 bicycles per capita, more than any other country in the world. Bikes are used for around 27% of all trips. In recent years, folding bikes have surged in popularity and of these, the Brompton brand has been one of the most desirable. At Brompton Junction on Reestraat, you can order a Brompton bicycle tailor made to your specifications, ranging from custom colours to steering wheels, saddles, wheel sizes and components, plus numerous accessories. The bikes are also available in special limited edition series such as the Black and Nickel editions. There's even a 9 Streets edition. The staff go to great lengths to ensure a bike that's perfect for you. Amsterdam's flat surfaces and abundance of cycling lanes make the folding bicycle an ideal transportation option. For those wanting a helping hand (or foot) there's even an electric version. All bikes can be taken for a test drive in which case proof of identity and a refundable deposit is required.

  • Monkey Hang

    Monkey Hang


    Just left the shop. Very friendly and helpful staff. Needed a repair on my bike. I didn't even finish my question or the bike was already on the stand to get it fixed. No hassle. Reasonable prices. Great shop!

  • ry nuk

    ry nuk


    Great staff! Very friendly and helpful! From bikes to recommending places for eating cakes. We rented bikes here that are clean and well maintained, like new. Store has all latest bikes for sale. Brompton attracts attention even in city which is full of bikes. Overall great experience not to be missed. Thanks again

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