Fietsenzaak van der Meer in Amsterdam

NederlandFietsenzaak van der Meer



🕗 openingstijden

156, Goudsbloemstraat, 1015 JT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 638 3787
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3803741, Longitude: 4.8813392

opmerkingen 5

  • Dennis van den Sigtenhorst

    Dennis van den Sigtenhorst


    Best bikehop in the city! Usually i dont write reviews publicly but ill make an exception. The owner is a really good dude and really helped me out with restoring my vintage racingbike.

  • Amsterdam Creative

    Amsterdam Creative


    Always so helpful when something happens to one of our bikes. Very fair pricing and feels very welcoming when you stop by! Thanks Van Der Meer!

  • Fong Yee Wong

    Fong Yee Wong


    Best service! The key broke in the bike lock and they didn’t try to sell me a new lock. They sawed off the lock and fixed a new lock in and took care of the flat tire in just 2 hours! Amazing service, really friendly and nice!

  • Michael Anderson

    Michael Anderson


    They had my bike fixed within a couple hours and charged me a very fair rate. They didn't try to upsell or force other repairs down my throat which I appreciated. Would definitely recommend them

  • Petra D

    Petra D


    I don’t normally review publicly, but reviews got me here and this place truly deserves one! Frans fixed my bike right away, had a nice conversation, and for the lowest price I have yet seen in Amsterdam. Highly recommend! Don’t get fooled into the much more commercial bike shop on the corner of the same street, walk 30 more seconds and you’ll find Frans’ small shop.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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