Bloemenweelde Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandBloemenweelde Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

112-114, De Clercqstraat, 1052 NN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 616 8704
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.370191, Longitude: 4.866308

opmerkingen 5

  • Gino Brown

    Gino Brown


    I ordered this flowers for my girlfriend at her work place. Her schedule was changed so I was scared they won’t make it to the work place before she closes. I called the lady and she was so nice and sweet to me on the phone and to my surprise, just as I was talking to her on the phone. My girlfriend send me a message she has received some flowers from me. It was delivered within 24 hrs (I ordered at 19th July @21:36 and was delivered the next day 20th July @ 11:48am) I am definitely ordering from you again.

  • Каролина Половинко

    Каролина Половинко


    The first picture is my bouquet 3 weeks!!! after it was delivered to me! So I actually just removed some which couldn’t stay so long, and it’s still beautiful! Tomorrow I will go to buy just few more flowers to make it even more incredible! That’s how you also can play florist ;) it’s last for more than a month :) Thank you for great quality!!

  • Cécile Gallet

    Cécile Gallet


    Nice flower shop, with very friendly service - great that you can order a bouquet online ahead of time and pick it up at the shop! Flowers in the bouquet were beautiful

  • Dana



    These guys are great, and I always use them when I order flowers! The flowers are always fresh and beautifully arranged, such a pleasure to have a great florist I can rely on to always deliver beautiful flowers for my friends!

  • Laura Elizabeth Colbeck

    Laura Elizabeth Colbeck


    Perfect service! I ordered yesterday evening (Sunday) and they were delivered this morning (Monday) at about 10am. They match the picture PERFECTLY - other companies I have used never look as good in real life as they do on the website. But these do. Presented beautifully. I will use this company every time in the future :)

Bloemist in de buurt

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