Bike 4 U in Amsterdam

NederlandBike 4 U



🕗 openingstijden

1, Kinkerstraat, 1053 DB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 223 8548
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3682003, Longitude: 4.8760326

opmerkingen 5

  • HS



    Straight forward rentals and pricing (with deposit). Very friendly staff however 2 of 4 of our groups bikes needed some work - which is to be expected from tourist bikes, no big deal. We alerted the staff and all seemed well.

  • Massimo Zannoni

    Massimo Zannoni


    I came to rent 3 bikes for me and some friends and everything went nice and smooth. Friendly staff and clear transactions. For some reason, only the depot could be reserved with credit card, while the rent itself had to be paid in cash. I never understood why. However, I'd recommend this bike rental.

  • en

    Max Schlosser


    Great place! I rent my bikes there when I come back to Amsterdam, they are always in a good condition and the prices are fine. In addition, the owner and his colleagues are very cool, friendly and always helpful. Thus, 5 * and a recommendation :)

  • Le Foria

    Le Foria


    Greatest and bestest! Antone the shop owner and manager is a super friendly guy and most efficient he is honest and humble! I have many bike shops closer to my house but happened to stop by this one as I work for Deliveroo and my bike had broken down while being next to this shop by coincidence. Now I only come to this shop and we even have a relationship now. He offers great, quick service at a great cost. Definitely not the tourist traps you find everywhere else in this city. I feel bad for other reviewers who didn't share the same experience and invite them to try again and to consider why it was they thought was not worth it. I come weekly and hope you do too. Great service shop and great for rentals as well 🙂

  • de

    Karin Kuester-Ergin


    Sehr freundlicher und unkomplizierter Service: Ich durfte dort mein defektes Fahrrad 10 Tage lang unterstellen und habe für diese Zeit ein nagelneues Hollandrad mieten können zu dem üblichen Amsterdamkurs. Auch die Rückgabe war einfach und freundlich. Vielen Dank nochmal und ich komme gerne wieder:)

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