Assort International Hair Salon Amsterdam オランダの日系美容室 in Amsterdam

NederlandAssort International Hair Salon Amsterdam オランダの日系美容室



🕗 openingstijden

99A, Kerkstraat, 1017 GD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 846 7746
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3644656, Longitude: 4.8871443

opmerkingen 5

  • Thu Tra Bach

    Thu Tra Bach


    Lovely salon with friendly, helpful and high-skilled hair dresser. I'm satisfied with my new hair and will definitely come back.

  • pykel van latum

    pykel van latum


    extremely happy with this haircut. nanae listened to my wishes and always made sure to check in before making any decisions. very friendly and gentle, super nice and quiet atmosphere, loved it and would recommend 100%




    Super happy again with my haircut! Saori is a very talented hair stylist and a very friendly person. Great head massage too :) 100% recommended

  • Nova Ewers

    Nova Ewers


    Love this place. My whole family goes there. So friendly and they are always taking time to give you what you would like. They truly cut hair out of passion as well- not just profession. Just amazing!

  • Jenny Trần

    Jenny Trần


    Had my hair cut by Nancy. She was really friendly. The head massage was good! I enjoyed it. With the haircut I didn't have a specific cut in mind, but Nancy asked questions what I sort of wanted and she totally nailed it. Haven't been so happy about my hair in years to be honest! I'll definitely come back! 💓

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