Allard Pierson in Amsterdam

NederlandAllard Pierson


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🕗 openingstijden

127-129, Oude Turfmarkt, 1012 GC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 525 7300
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3687868, Longitude: 4.8930188

opmerkingen 5

  • Daniel Loebl

    Daniel Loebl


    This is a small museum with a good collection of antiquities for browsing. It is near the center of town, so you can walk to it from the fashionable spui area. If you go on a Saturday, you may be able to do some archeology putting together pottery found in the canals of Amsterdam.

  • Damon Zarifé

    Damon Zarifé


    The museum had a special exhibit on Arts Nouveaux and Feminism, which both were nicely presented. The standard section of the museum has a very decent collection of exhibits from Antiquity until current era, however the presentation was a bit dry. The museum feels it is lacking a soul or character.

  • Ricardo Munsel

    Ricardo Munsel


    A good archeological collection from all over plus a great Art Nouveau exhibition. It is connected to the University of Amsterdam.

  • Martin Kilarski

    Martin Kilarski


    Really nice, but a bit short in comparison to other museums.

  • Walter Aprile

    Walter Aprile


    The temporary exhibitions on Bes and Amsterdam are very well designed, and provide a smooth experience. The Classical Antiquity section, on the other hand, is in the middle of renovation - so you have to build your own path. The bookshop has some really good books on typography. My special thanks to the erudite Mr. Vincent whom we found very helpful and friendly.

Museum in de buurt

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