Zaandijk Zaanse Schans in Koog aan de Zaan

NederlandZaandijk Zaanse Schans


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🕗 openingstijden

1541 LG Koog aan de Zaan, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.4691776, Longitude: 4.8051858

opmerkingen 5

  • Praveen Palloor

    Praveen Palloor


    Trian station near the beautiful area of Zaanse Schans with Windmills and old buildings. NS Sprinter connects this place to Amsterdam Centraal station. 20 minutes journey feom Amsterdam Centraal and 7.5 Euros for same day return ticket in Sprinter

  • french cream

    french cream


    About ten minutes walking to the village. There is a map at the station so pretty easy to get there without google map.

  • en

    David Bennett


    Great village. But there seem to be no signs pointing the way from Zaandijk Zaanse Schans to the train station, even when you get to the nearby major road junction of the S152 and S153. At this junction turn left, walk south for 100 metres, then use the underpass. Holland is usually so good for this sort of thing.

  • Chandra Ferguson

    Chandra Ferguson


    Small and a little confusing

  • Mieko Nakamura

    Mieko Nakamura


    I couldn't find "Koog" in the station's name, which the map says.

Transit Station in de buurt

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