Zaandam in Zaandam



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🕗 openingstijden

1503 KJ Zaandam, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.438428, Longitude: 4.813816

opmerkingen 5

  • שרון פלד

    שרון פלד


    Nice place. Recommend to go out from the centre and to see the pretty green little houses

  • en

    Masked B


    Good station . Small but has a toilet which you have to pay a small fee which is conpletely normal in holland. Located in the city centre, when you come out the station it has all the shopping streets right in front of you

  • Jade Fang

    Jade Fang


    Great train station. Interesting architecture. People selling tickets very helpful. The monitors makes it easy to track when the trains are coming. Tip though if you go too early in the morning before the ticket sales open you have to pay your whole ticket in coins and it's difficult to find a place open for change. We recommend going to the local hotel.

  • Zeynep Aslan

    Zeynep Aslan


    Different architecture.

  • en

    Akash Singh


    The buildings look a bit artificial but still looks beautiful

Transit Station in de buurt

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