Wok To Walk in Amsterdam

NederlandWok To Walk



🕗 openingstijden

85, Warmoesstraat, 1012 HZ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 427 6960
website: woktowalk.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3747709, Longitude: 4.8973315

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Melis Basman


    It’s a small intimate space. Good variety of noodles, sauces and ingredients. I loved the total customization so that I could eat what I really wanted to taste. This was the perfect place to grab a bite as I was running from one museum to another.

  • Geoff Y

    Geoff Y


    Just like any other Wok to Walk out there, except seemingly with a decent amount of seating. Quick order and as we were eating in, they gave us actual plates instead of the normal cardboard boxes! Benches were functional if not comfortable. It’s relatively in the centre so gets a lot of passing traffic. Queues build up due to there only being 2 cooking stations.

  • it

    Luca Scilipoti


    Se cercate un pasto sotto i 10€ e abbastanza sostanzioso avete trovato il posto giusto. Il cibo lo scegliete voi dal tipo di noodles al condimento. Certo non pensate di mangiare in un ristorante a 3 stelle Michelin...i tempi di preparazione sono rapidissimi, in 3 minuti se non meno avrete il vostro pasto wok da asporto (eventualmente mangiabile anche sul posto).

  • pl

    Agnieszka Izyk


    Zawsze szybko i pysznie😀

  • pl

    Natalia Gocman


    Pyszne jedzenie 😍

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