VeganBox in Amsterdam



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🕗 openingstijden

131E, Kloveniersburgwal, 1011 KD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 85 027 0006
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3681271, Longitude: 4.8964766

opmerkingen 5

  • Elske Zwart

    Elske Zwart


    In itself a great meal box, but realize that the logistics cost more than the ingredients. Very flexible, great. Excellent delivery. I only miss some protein in the composition of the meal.

  • Johannes Brouwer

    Johannes Brouwer


    Super good and delicious. The recipes have a great taste sensation. I was a vegetarian but went vegan without any difficulty.

  • Ruby Louise van Eck

    Ruby Louise van Eck


  • Angelique Wilms

    Angelique Wilms


    The Veganbox offers super tasty and healthy meals every week. Lots of fresh vegetables and nice varied recipes. It is also very handy that you can decide per week whether you want to receive a box or not. In addition, a very nice delivery. I received a text message that the delivery person would be at the door at a certain time, very handy. Definitely recommended!

  • B D

    B D


    Delicious, easy-to-make recipes, even for non-vegans. Other than that, it is more than adequate (and we are big eaters). I like it better than Hello Fresh; have never had any problems with delivery and it is great that you are not tied to a subscription, but can choose when you want to receive the box.

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