Waterstones in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

152, Kalverstraat, 1012 XE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 638 3821
website: www.waterstones.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.368779, Longitude: 4.8909465

opmerkingen 5

  • Marjolaine Martinez

    Marjolaine Martinez


    I loved this shop in London and I am so glad to also find one in Amsterdam so I can go browse and buy books in English in the Netherlands. They also have travel guides which is handy. They hold poetry events regularly. The staff is nice.

  • Marissa Shaffer

    Marissa Shaffer


    A great bookstore to peruse. The shelves have the latest novels appealingly displayed, albeit expensively priced enough to deter an avid reader from daring to start a habit of buying new books more than a few times a year. I enjoyed looking through the quirky English (UK) humour section, replete with treats from England to be bought. The atmosphere here is definitely fun; though they may not have the biggest selection of other-than-new items or well-known classics.

  • Tatjana J

    Tatjana J


    Für England Liebhaber und Bücherwürmer ein Muss in Amsterdam

  • Michael Haiszan

    Michael Haiszan


    Ziemlich eng und heiss aber gute Auswahl

  • Becca Niemeier

    Becca Niemeier


    Gebe gerne in Einzelgeschäften Geld aus, besonders in solchen unique eingerichteten

Boekwinkel in de buurt

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