Reisboekhandel Pied à Terre in Amsterdam

NederlandReisboekhandel Pied à Terre



🕗 openingstijden

9, Rokin, 1012 KK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 523 1411
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3721463, Longitude: 4.8934376

opmerkingen 5

  • ThomasDerek Muldoon

    ThomasDerek Muldoon


    Went in the middle of relocation of shop, but, staff were helpful and happy

  • Jorrit Roerdinkholder

    Jorrit Roerdinkholder


    Beautiful building, excellent collection of maps, globes and related travel stuff, somewhat grumpy staff

  • Steena



    Spread over two levels, there is a huge range of maps and travel books, in Dutch and also some in English, and other related items like globes and posters. I loved the selection of books on hiking 🧗‍♀️ and cycling routes 🚵‍♀️ There is a cafe at the rear with some large communal tables. The store was very busy while I was there, so it's clearly a popular store. Very hard to leave empty handed but it was early in our voyage of exploration and limited room for additional cargo. Very much hoping for a return visit.

  • Dora Brook

    Dora Brook


    I love this travel bookshop because it has an enormous selection of travel books and maps. There is also a whole section for kids with colouring books, kids atlases etc. Inside the shop there is a very nice café where you can get a coffee or a piece of cake. It's THE place to go in Amsterdam if you are looking for a travel guide or map for any part of the world. Even if you are not looking for anything it's a great place to go and get inspiration for future holidays!!!

  • Aquiles Carattino

    Aquiles Carattino


    I love specialized shops and Pied à Terre is no exception. It is perhaps the best travel book shop in Amsterdam. Great selection and variety of books, maps and gifts. The people working here are very attentive and knowledgeable. You can also enjoy a coffee while going through the pages of the books you intend to buy. Perhaps you can even make new travel friends in here.

Boekwinkel in de buurt

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