Wasserette van Wou in Amsterdam

NederlandWasserette van Wou



🕗 openingstijden

118HS, Van Woustraat, 1073 LS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 679 2204
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3538694, Longitude: 4.9017502

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Sven van Tilborg


    Broodje kip avocado!!

  • Marilyn Ashby

    Marilyn Ashby


    Brought our holiday washing here - the gentleman that worked here was very pleasant and helpful

  • en

    Jim Albers


    Excellent service for when you have no washing machine at home. You can just bring a bag of dirty clothes to them and they will wash it at a price per kilo which you can then pick up later the same day. They even fold everything for you!

  • en

    Santiago Firpo


    The owner looks at what you are doing like it was illegal. Pathetic service, half the machines don't work and they are all dirty. Absolutely not tourist friendly since they make you waste your time because machines don't spin properly. When I asked to dry my delayed clothes for free (40cents) the man said:why? BECAUSE YOU MADE ME WASTE A COMPLETE HOUR SR. He didn't care at all and refused to dry for free. Like I told you before: GO TO HELL.

  • Dusica Naumovska

    Dusica Naumovska


    Very nice people, very good service!

Wasserij in de buurt

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