Vos Gym Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandVos Gym Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

3, Donker Curtiusstraat, 1051 JI, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 2789
website: www.vosgymamsterdam.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.37916, Longitude: 4.871889

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jam Dox


    It smells really bad. I have trained in several countries and boxing schools, but the smell is not normal there. They should really fix this, it is disgusting.

  • Sahil Mehta

    Sahil Mehta


    Deze sportschool is een van de ergste die ik in Amsterdam heb gezien. Het personeel is zo onvriendelijk, mensen schoonmaken de machines niet en het personeel geeft het niet om. De machines hebben er overheen zweet.

  • Neeraj Chaddha

    Neeraj Chaddha


    Terrible Gym. The Receptionists kept talking to each other and joking and didn't even help me. When I asked them about the gym, they said I should wait, and I kept waiting 10 minutes while they were talking to each other. Horrible experience- not at all Dutch in my opinion. Most people here are so nice, but this gym sucks.

  • Patricia Van Reekum

    Patricia Van Reekum


    Goeie boksschool!!

  • Thom



    Beste bokstrainers van Amsterdam, veel aandacht en expertise. Beginner? Maakt niets uit.

Sportschool in de buurt

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