Vondelchurch in Amsterdam



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🕗 openingstijden

120, Vondelstraat, 1054 GS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 520 0090
website: www.stadsherstel.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3612154, Longitude: 4.8734502

opmerkingen 5

  • Snejana Stoeva

    Snejana Stoeva


    Unique place to be.

  • Robin Bansal

    Robin Bansal


    Thought it was a church but it is the office of the company "How to buy a house in Netherlands". Was a good exhibition where there were people from different fields - mortgage, real estate, insurance, legal, educational consultant etc. Gave some good pointers on what all to understand and keep in mind before buying a house in Netherlands. Good experience here. If you are planning to buy a house in Netherlands, attend it for sure. Biggest perk - it was a free exhibition. So you get all this knowledge for no charge

  • Mitchell Langerak

    Mitchell Langerak


    Attended with regards to a wedding. A beautiful snug church that is larger on the inside than first appears. Situated next to Vondelpark, it's a quint little bit of history.

  • Hendrawanto



    Best venue in town, especially for those small, intimate concerts of whatever artist you're into.

  • Eugen Martynov

    Eugen Martynov


    Amazing place with charging atmosphere! Try to visit toilet here. Impressed what you can do when you are so limited.

Kerk in de buurt

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