Visschedijk Makelaardij in Maastricht

NederlandVisschedijk Makelaardij



🕗 openingstijden

42, Luikerweg, 6212 EW, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 310 1890
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8392557, Longitude: 5.6870449

opmerkingen 2

  • Jonas van de Vosse

    Jonas van de Vosse


  • Igor M

    Igor M


    The real-estate agent is very good in selling the house if you want your house to be sold great choice! but if you buy the house from them be extremely careful! When we have viewed the house the gentlemen who showed it to us told us that we can the park in the back side pointing to the existing parking spaces but “forgot” to mention that these spots are owned by other neighbors. This was revealed by taxation analysis and further discussion with the agent. Then during the negotiation we were told that house owner do not need to sell a house because he has just sold one, later it appeared that it was not true. From talking to neighbors we learned that owner wanted to sell a house for 2 years unsuccessfully. In the paper description of the house it was stated that CV boiler is the property of the owners, but then in the contract it appear that it is a leas boiler (in the internet page info was correct). On my question will we be able to cancel the lease, the real-estate agent sad yes, but forgot to mention that it will cost 1600 EUR. We were not given original leas contract before the purchase contract was signed. It appeared that the leas contract is with the worst CV boiler leas company in the Netherlands namely Feenstra. It is all crowned with the fact that the purchase of the house was delayed by 2 month because of the mess between bank and the previous house owner. Nobody checked in advance that the owner has enough documents to sell the house that was under mortgage in advance. We had to wait for almost 5 weeks starting from originally agrees purchase day what in fact delayed our renovation by 1 month. Owner allowed us to renovate the bathroom but we were not able to start other renovation works when we planned. Despite the fact that everybody and rea-estate agent and the house owner told that they try to speed up clearing the mess I think that very little has done to speeding up. I know that I made all possible mistakes of armature house byer namely did not demand original leas contract before (later it appeared that house owner lost it) , I also should have digged the in the cadaster papers before, but I really fill myself cheated. I know that real estate market has it specifics but now I really fill how bad it is. The fact is that on paper everything is crystal clear and within the law (I have specially checked it with lawyers) but there are a lot of small traps for naïve young couple eager to buy their first house!

Makelaar in de buurt

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