Villa d'Este in Amsterdam

NederlandVilla d'Este


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

544, Prins Hendrikkade, 1011 TE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 49054827
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3733576, Longitude: 4.9073588

opmerkingen 5

  • Popo Pops

    Popo Pops


    Excellent tourist experience. Located right in ❤ central Amsterdam🇳🇱; secure parking🅿️, accessible on foot about 500 meters from the rental. Metro🚈 and bus🚍 nearby. Very clean, complete, functional places, very comfortable bedding. Secure places. Very discreet owner✅. Impeccable. 👍

  • María Valdunciel Nieto

    María Valdunciel Nieto


    It is a shame that due to the rudeness of the owner, he can only give it 2 stars. The house is great, well located, comfortable, clean, and with all the necessary supplies. But the owner has been doing reforms inside the house (reforms, it is said to put pictures) during our stay (very uncomfortable, and invasive, without any privacy), he left the door of the house open and his response was to say that there are cameras. As a final auction on the day of check-out, he appeared 5min before the agreed time, and entered the house without warning, putting pressure on us, and staying inside with his mobile while we finished preparing our luggage. Totally disappointing experience thanks to Jeffrey. We will not return to the boat house, but to Amsterdam.

  • Haze 1994

    Haze 1994


    Top location right in the center

  • Boult 108

    Boult 108


  • Violeta Milosevic

    Violeta Milosevic


Universiteit in de buurt

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