Tropen Hotel in Amsterdam

NederlandTropen Hotel


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🕗 openingstijden

2C, Linnaeusstraat, 1092 CK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 692 5111
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3617287, Longitude: 4.9225904

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Raymond None


    Two major negatives for this hotel. One, each day I put the "Do not Disturb" sign on my door. Each day the hospitality service came into the room, even took the toothbrush out of the garbage after I threw it out and placed in on the counter again. Oh yes, and was nice enough to bring the sign in the room and hang it on the bathroom door for me. Second, you can not call in or out of your hotel room (even though there is a phone in your room). So, if someone calls you you must go to the lobby to talk to them on a phone. If you want to call out, you must come to the lobby. Really, it's 2018!

  • lucie kindlova

    lucie kindlova


    Uzasny vyhled nna park a mesto (10 patro z 10), pokoje ciste, personal z recepce velmi ochotny pomoci. Klidna cast mesta, hned u zastavky tramvaje c.9. Detem se tady libi.

  • Paulo Victor Resende

    Paulo Victor Resende


    Bom hotel, sobretudo pelo custo benefício, em Amsterdam. Fica um pouco afastado do centro da cidade, mas possui uma estação de VLT (tram) bem em frente. Há um bom comércio ao redor, com boas opções de bares e restaurantes, com público local, não turísticos. Fica, ainda, ao lado de um parque bem bonito.

  • en

    Joel Didcott


    The rooms were clean, offers everything you'd expect, kettle, coffee machine, TV etc. The views of Amsterdam it offers is impressive, however, the higher the room, the better, as you might expect! The only negative I have is that they initially gave us two towels in a three bed room, but this was only a small inconvenience and was resolved. In conclusion, the hotel offers everything you would expect from a 3 star hotel, the staff go even further by being more than happy to help and assist in any way possible, I would happily return in the future.

  • Birgitte Kjær Hansen

    Birgitte Kjær Hansen


    Super fint sted til prisen. Tram 🚋 lige udenfor døren er et stort plus. Kun 5 minutter så er du på Rembrandtplein

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