Hotel Parklane in Amsterdam

NederlandHotel Parklane


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

16, Plantage Parklaan, 1018 ST, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 4804
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3677285, Longitude: 4.9099152

opmerkingen 5

  • Stefano Piergallini

    Stefano Piergallini


    The room was clean but the bed very uncomfortable... the staff was half good and half unpolite.. breakfast medium not impressive.. money wasted

  • Saima Sadaf

    Saima Sadaf


    Reasonable and economic accommodation with all basic facilities

  • en

    Tomer Hochberg


    just awesome place if you don't need a large room and you more into traveling the city

  • Ryan Brownley

    Ryan Brownley


    Clean and spacious, 3 guys sharing a triple room for 2 nights. 10 minutes walk into the centre. Bathroom is a wet room. Walls are thin so bring Earplugs if you're a light sleeper. Supermarket 5 minutes away but no fridge in room. Everyone speaks good English. Would recommend for a short break.

  • Barry Cullen

    Barry Cullen


    Cool place, stayed for a weekend. Just dropped a star because when we came back to collect our bags to head to airport, I kind of felt rushed out of the place. Wouldn't have minded to stay for a cup of tea. The host didn't seem quite up for that. Oh well, clean and friendly overall.

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