Tiffany Case House (James Bond) in Amsterdam

NederlandTiffany Case House (James Bond)


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

36, Reguliersgracht, 1017 LS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3636934, Longitude: 4.8956471

opmerkingen 5

  • Armando Rossi

    Armando Rossi


    Diamond's are forever movie location

  • Speedbird 007

    Speedbird 007


    Film location from diamond fever James Bond from 1971. Here the scene with Tiffany Case and James Bond shot with the legendary fight in the elevator

  • Paul Browne

    Paul Browne


    If you are a fan of the James Bond film Diamonds are forever it's nice to visit and close by is the skinny bridge so you can visit 2 places from the movie within a few minutes.

  • Tim



    Worth stopping by for a look. No reference that it was in the movie on the outside, no going inside, it is someone's residence. If it wasn't for the google map icon I wouldn't have known it was there. Beautiful area. Right on the 7 bridges which is worth seeing too.

  • Ade Wills

    Ade Wills


    Shame no reference to James Bond.

Bioscoop in de buurt

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