FEST Flagshipstore Amsterdam West - design woonwinkel in Amsterdam

NederlandFEST Flagshipstore Amsterdam West - design woonwinkel



🕗 openingstijden

44, De Clercqstraat, 1052 NG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 237 6514
website: www.festamsterdam.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3712403, Longitude: 4.8708294

opmerkingen 5

  • Adriel Keogh

    Adriel Keogh


    Recently bought some fest dining chairs which I absolutey love! Super friendly service. The staff take the time to explain all the possible design options (fabrics, styles etc) and help you through the selection process. From memory i was served by Wieke who was super attentive and had a lot of useful advice! Really happy with the quality of the dining chairs and even more so considering the price. Highly recommend

  • Fay Nijholt

    Fay Nijholt


    Amazing store! We got exactly what we wanted. We were helped perfectly by Wiktoria and Wieke, we were able to ask all our questions and see all fabrics until we found the one for us.

  • Joost Dooren

    Joost Dooren


    Very nice design and also very helpful staff and interior designers who think along. They even create a whole interior plan for you!

  • Sandra Vallejo

    Sandra Vallejo


    Welcome to December, welcome to Fest! I must say: thank you, thank you to the Excellent service, Amazing stylish advise, super friendly & helpful people! (PD: Femke, dakejewel!) :)

  • Alfred Florence

    Alfred Florence



Meubelwinkel in de buurt

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