The Movies in Amsterdam

NederlandThe Movies



🕗 openingstijden

159 - 163, Haarlemmerdijk, 1013 KH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 638 6016
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3839768, Longitude: 4.8846252

opmerkingen 5

  • Celia López Díaz

    Celia López Díaz


    This arthouse cinema is all you have dreamed about. I always wished I was born in the 20s and this place gives me the feeling of living in that era :)

  • Bram ter Laak

    Bram ter Laak


    Always good, such a nice (oldschool) place!

  • teoman kirac

    teoman kirac


    Amazing place. Friendly staff! The outside doesnt do it justice!

  • indigovioletstar



    Old timey cozy theater in the best sense of the word. Carpeted floors, dark wood detailing, red velvet seating, cozy sunken bar area. Sweet little detail: the names of the movies that are playing hang on handwritten signs above each door.

  • Stan Lines

    Stan Lines


    Great scenery and inner architecture which makes you feel you're in a movie theatre, rather than 'a cinema'. Don't go here for mind blowing sound experiences, but a movie with character comes to justice in each of the 4 'zalen'. The seats are very comfortable also and plenty of legroom. Staff is friendly and committed. For Star Wars i go to Pathe Imax, for everything else I take a long bike ride to the Movies!

Bioscoop in de buurt

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