The Malt Vault in Utrecht

NederlandThe Malt Vault



🕗 openingstijden

56, Voorstraat, 3512 AR, Utrecht, Utrecht, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 6 27418211
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0951282, Longitude: 5.1206918

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Max Jap Tjoen San


    If you like whisky, this bar is a must. The owner is, according to his own words, "a lover but not an expert" who has made his hobby (getting expensive whisky) into a viable job! The staff is all familiar with the different whisky's and they can help you get a good set going. I can recommend you to get a flight, they really know what they are doing. Can get busy on Friday and Saturday.

  • Thomas Karl Pietrowski

    Thomas Karl Pietrowski


    I enjoed it a lot! Especially the well experienced explanations of different flavours and distillation methods. Thank you for the evening!

  • Frank Mulder

    Frank Mulder


    This is not just a whisky bar, this is almost a gentleman's club. The setting, the service and the atmosphere; it's pure gold. And it's also gold what they serve ;-) Of course it is not a private club, it is open to anyone as long as there is space.

  • Sergio Simoes

    Sergio Simoes


    Great experience. Classy and relaxed atmosphere. Great to get away from the typical hipster bars you find on every corner

  • Martin Pleister

    Martin Pleister


    An amazingly friendly host displaying both his knowledge and passion for the best whiskeys. He personally knows all of the whiskeys they have for sale, which is an impressive feat, considering the amount of different kinds of whiskeys they have for sale. If you like whiskey and are not afraid to put some money down for it, this is most definitely one of the places you -must- visit during a stay in or around Utrecht.

Bar in de buurt

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