Mick O'Connells in Utrecht

NederlandMick O'Connells



🕗 openingstijden

3, Jansdam, 3512 HA, Utrecht, Utrecht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 30 236 8466
website: www.mickoconnells.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0925562, Longitude: 5.1226075

opmerkingen 5

  • Abai N

    Abai N


    Imagine an Irish pub designed by someone who had never been to Ireland nor to an Irish pub, but rather, they had had the concept of an Irish pub explained to them. This is who I imagine was responsible for the fabrication of Mick O'Connells. They've tried too hard with the decor, giving it the undeniable stench of inauthentcity and at the same time it feels like an empty room with a few chairs thrown in. There is little room for more Guinness memorabilia; the place is shrouded in it. Irish pubs are a place to socialise, a meeting point for old and new friends, somewhere to connect with the community. Micks actively discourages this with its sterile atmosphere, slot machines and sham Irishness.

  • Steve Logan

    Steve Logan


    6:30 pm, out of fish and chips. Took over an hour for a burger to come out (we did not take it and they took it off the bill). Table service turned into get your own beers at the bar. Understaffed.

  • Drew Cooper

    Drew Cooper


    Traditional Irish pub, great atmosphere plenty of space. Food is good, typical pub food, beer is great and sports are played on the TV's through the out. Close to middle of town.

  • Piet Snot

    Piet Snot


    Amazing atmosphere, as a pub should have of course. Big selection of different kind of beers on tap or either bottled. For all the sports fanatics out there, there's always something for you to watch when you're there.

  • en

    Chris Andrews


    Nice Irish pub with a relaxed atmosphere, plenty of comfy seats and multiple screens for watching sports. There's also dartboards and pooltables for those who like their bar sports. A really nice place to hang out and relax.

Bar in de buurt

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