The Freight Hero B.V. in Amsterdam

NederlandThe Freight Hero B.V.



🕗 openingstijden

454, Herengracht, 1017 CA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 214 9358
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3657469, Longitude: 4.8895423

opmerkingen 5

  • Couple Tv

    Couple Tv


    Super happy with the service of The Freight Hero. Received my first cargo from Qingdao last week. From the first moment it is clear at The Freight Hero what the costs will be. You can clearly see a price via the website. Also have my freight delivered via The freight Hero. After clearance it was with us within 4 days. Super happy with it!

  • Bernd Monzel

    Bernd Monzel


    We have worked with fright hero on several occasions. And will definitely do it again for the following reason: Very good communication and there were no problems at all. Fright hero contacted us in case we forgot something. In addition, and that was the best thing, you also clarified the "little things" with our supplier so that we did not have to take care of anything ourselves. Have no experience with other freight brokers, but they are really good. Thank you again.

  • GpWithStyle g

    GpWithStyle g


    unfriendly online chat. asked a question about cost price and got simple answer no and asked it is still and am banished

  • Kruis Roemer

    Kruis Roemer


    Everything arranged fantastically, very pleasant company to work with and also affordable

  • Bas van Dijk

    Bas van Dijk


    Nice party to work with. Already made several shipments (10+) no problems yet. Had help over the phone the first time to fill everything in the right way. Highly recommended.

Verhuisbedrijf in de buurt

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