The Coffee Virus - A Lab in Amsterdam

NederlandThe Coffee Virus - A Lab


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🕗 openingstijden

2, Overhoeksplein, 1031 KS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 244 2341
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.384205, Longitude: 4.902948

opmerkingen 5

  • Christopher Hayes

    Christopher Hayes


    I went two days in a row and it was incredible coffee for such a small, college-located locale.

  • Daniela Fernandez

    Daniela Fernandez


    The Coffee Virus - what a perfect name for a cafe. The kind of virus that should be spread. It is right in the A Lab building which used to be an actual lab of Shell. Pretty cool right? And just like almost everything else in Amsterdam-Noord, The Coffee Virus is this creative-industrial place with great food and fantastic coffee. You might find yourself surrounded by very unique people while you sip youe cup of coffee. Keep an eye for the artist working on his/her sketches or the entrepreneur working on a business plan. And you never might even get infected and come up with the world’s next great idea. It is contagious after all.

  • Maarten Mulder

    Maarten Mulder


    Good coffee, always feels a bit weird stepping inside because it's a school. But you just can of course.

  • Nick B

    Nick B


    Seriously amazing Japanese iced coffee here. The chorizo tosti is to become seriously injured, if not to die for.

  • Dan Stone

    Dan Stone


    Great coffee shop on the quiet side of the water. Rotating coffee roasters every couple weeks with local others from outside of the Netherlands. Clean open space with lots of comfortable seating.

Bakkerij in de buurt

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