Vlaamsch Broodhuys Haarlemmerstraat Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandVlaamsch Broodhuys Haarlemmerstraat Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

108, Haarlemmerstraat, 1013 EW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 528 6430
website: www.vlaamschbroodhuys.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3807793, Longitude: 4.8907014

opmerkingen 5

  • Sandra Rosich

    Sandra Rosich


    One of the best muffins that I have ever tried 😍 the chocolate one and the apple & cinammon one are so good. The staff is super friendly, and they were very helpful. In the end, I ordered the avocado sandwich and it was delicious. It was prepared in the moment which is very appreciated. I'll definitely go back to try more things!

  • veebee



    I always take the magic box from to good to go and they give me always so good bread. I recommend the focaccia with tomatoes and cheese, very good also if you freeze it. Very friendly staff

  • Bogdan D

    Bogdan D


    I think i just ate the best tarte au citron in the universe :)

  • Ashwanth



    Multigrain sourdough is one of the best, don't forget to try their coffee while at it :)

  • Sarah van Ours

    Sarah van Ours


    Very nice bread,also nice place to buy foodie gifts

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