Stadsloket Centre in Amsterdam

NederlandStadsloket Centre



🕗 openingstijden

1, Amstel, 1011 PN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 14020
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3679843, Longitude: 4.8995815

opmerkingen 5

  • M K

    M K


    This is how gemende handles abandoned bikes. The workers put a sticker and leave. At the same time they are very keen to remove Swapfiets for the fines are easily collected.

  • Laith



    First meeting was today , Perfect ✌

  • Courtney Itter

    Courtney Itter


    For an American scarred by visiting the DMV and other US offices, almost an Apple Store experience here. Friendly and helpful staff. Usually I take the most of my friends those who visiting me from around the world to this place and show them how great Amsterdam is in the past and the development of the city and how the government control the biggest enemy of Holland, the sea water!

  • Name Here

    Name Here


    I arrived at the door at 17:25 on the 13th if December having travelled by public transport to be informed that they were not admitting any more people. What is the point of saying opening hours are until 6pm when they stop people from entering? I now have to return on Monday again at my own expense and with no guarantee of being served by the office I help fund with my taxes! Not happy at all

  • Ali A.

    Ali A.


    She asked me why I am living in Netherlands if I dont speak Dutch and she was not answering my questions. I got horrible service. Better you go there with the dutch flag to satisfy some of people..

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