SPAR city A'dam Warmoesstraat in Amsterdam

NederlandSPAR city A'dam Warmoesstraat



🕗 openingstijden

98H, Warmoesstraat, 1012 JH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 820 5000
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3744828, Longitude: 4.8967866

opmerkingen 5

  • Titus El Sayed

    Titus El Sayed



  • Alberto Zatti

    Alberto Zatti


    Staff is friendly and the shop looks good BUT and it's a big BUT..the prices of this shop are a rip off for tourists. Six cans (33cc) of cold beer cost around 10 euros, the Heineken ones had a funny discount and from 10 euros the price went down to 6 euros and something. Usually the prices are around 4 or 5 euros. Asking 10 euros for 6x33cc of cold beer(even if the cold ones are usually more expensive) is out of common sense, I wonder how legal it is to cheat tourists like this, thank god i'm not. I'll post a pic later

  • peter griffin

    peter griffin


    very nice store

  • VZhenia. Vatsanyuk

    VZhenia. Vatsanyuk


    Really nice store with good assortment of food to take away. A specially recommend sandwiches for a great breakfast. All the stuff from the store is really polite, kind and welcome. A specially I can notice Mendy, she is always very positive, open and debonair. After visiting the store and having chit chat with her you’ll forget about bad mood until the end of the day 😂

  • Paulo de Sousa Borges

    Paulo de Sousa Borges


    Bad service from the tavern in relation to foreigners. I do not recommend. Security Rude and omitted establishment owner. Next there are better markets.

Gemakswinkel in de buurt

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