SOAP Treatment Store in Amsterdam

NederlandSOAP Treatment Store



🕗 openingstijden

122, Van Baerlestraat, 1071 BD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 673 0506
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3551254, Longitude: 4.8804401

opmerkingen 5

  • Francesca B

    Francesca B


    Underwhelmed. Went in for a pedicure, and it was an average pedicure. Overpriced. A more appropriate price would have been €30, instead of €60. The girl who performed my pedicure was very sweet, but everyone else working's customer service was sub par. I waited 10 minutes after I came in for anyone to acknowledge me. Was rushed out at the end before my toes were dry...

  • en



    Really poor service. I live nearby and thought this would be a good place for regular visits. Nooo! Greeted with indifference. Not offered a drink. Therapist eventually offered me one, by then mid treatment. She asked three colleagues, none of whom could be bothered (carrying towels far more important than am current customer). Left for polish to dry, no explanation of how long, just told to get off the stand because the next customer needed it. No effort to offer to a next appointment, give me a brochure/price list, encourage me to go back. The customer experience was terrible, and I didn't get the feeling the staff worked as a team either. Needless to say .... I won't be back. However a colleague says the branch on Spui is completely different.

  • jonai ladyheart

    jonai ladyheart


    Ive been here twice and all i can say is so fancy and relaxing, love the masseu unfortunately only forgot her name but thats one of the best soothing relaxing body massage plus nail done absolutely make my day

  • Nynke de Groot

    Nynke de Groot


    Wonderful staff and the atmosphere is so calming. I have multiple treatments done there and they were all well worth the money.

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    Catherine Kubicka


    It's ok but not great... I had my nails done there with the opi gel nail polish which is supposed to last for weeks and weeks.. the nails started to chip just after days.. Also, the treatment itself was ok.. I got a pedicure there and was quite surprised that the lady only took care of the toe nails but not the soles of my feet... There is a nail salon nearby where I live owned by Asian people and I found the price to be much lower and quality much better...

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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