Microblading Amsterdam BelleYebrow in Amsterdam

NederlandMicroblading Amsterdam BelleYebrow



🕗 openingstijden

66-H, Stadhouderskade, 1072 AD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 15230571
website: www.amsterdamcosmeticclinic.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3582417, Longitude: 4.8895747

opmerkingen 5

  • Olya Kartcheva

    Olya Kartcheva


    This was my first visit to a cosmetic clinic ever. A friend of mine recommended it and I must say I am quite impressed. Ruby is extremely knowledgeable, professional and friendly. She was able to provide good recommendations for my sensitive skin and after only one visit I was already able to see great improvements (I did the HydraFacial treatment). I liked the fact that they do not try to sell you a bunch of treatments, but recommend what is good for your skin. If you are unsure what you need (like me), you can simply book a consultation appointment. Thanks Ruby! šŸ˜Š

  • anchsunamon k

    anchsunamon k


    Amazing clinic, professional personnel, nice enviroment. I have the eyebrows done over a year ago and they still look awesome. My last treatment were fillers and I got great advice from the doctor who helped me to choose the type of a fillers and explained me all procedure. The results are great ! Definitely recommended.

  • Daniela Frycova

    Daniela Frycova


    Really beautiful clinic in the center of Amsterdam with very friendly and helpful staff. They explain everything which is not clear for you. You can find out a lot also from their social media.

  • Kamila Tollingerova

    Kamila Tollingerova


    This clinic is absolutely amazing! If you ever wanna go somewhere for the first time or you wanna change this is the right place! Everybody are specialists and they will do what does suits you the best! Thanks again for all youā€™ve done and that I do feel more sexy! ā¤ļø Canā€™t wait to see you again guys!

  • Nur



    I love Amsterdam Cosmetic Clinic! I go there for my skin treatments regularly. Dr Saloua is great, always listening and doing whatā€™s good for my skin. The staff is very responsive and professional. Highly recommend!

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