Service Apotheek Mouw & Kruijsse in Amsterdam

NederlandService Apotheek Mouw & Kruijsse



🕗 openingstijden

149, Haarlemmerdijk, 1013 KH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 8640
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.383869, Longitude: 4.884887

opmerkingen 5

  • Chad B

    Chad B


    I think that much of the negative press here is unfounded. They have actually given me a prescription under emergency circumstances when my physician made an egregious error; this is very rare in the Netherlands. Patience and respect.

  • L.K. Britton

    L.K. Britton


    Some staff are really friendly and helpful, others super harsh, unfriendly and unhelpful. It’s hit or miss even when you’re a regular

  • Nick Post

    Nick Post


    I find the staf helpful and friendly. Nothing like the bad comments like below so try the place and see for yourself :-)

  • Marius Ursu

    Marius Ursu


    I was helped with what i needed. One custom request i had was not fulfilled by them but they were able to redirect me to another source which had it.

  • Marcus Dwyer

    Marcus Dwyer


    Wouldn't buy anything in it the worst slow people ever if u need something from a chemist avoid this 1 it will take to long or they have none and ruin ur day instead.

Apotheek in de buurt

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