Apotheek Staatslieden in Amsterdam

NederlandApotheek Staatslieden



🕗 openingstijden

200, Van Hallstraat, 1051 HL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 851 1060
website: apotheek-staatslieden.business.site
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3799395, Longitude: 4.8708984

opmerkingen 5

  • Angelos Avlio

    Angelos Avlio


    I asked for a simple one-use mask and after some conversation in bad English, I found that the cost was 20€ per piece. For the records, of course I didn't buy it.

  • Jeffrey Carr

    Jeffrey Carr


    I have been going there for a few years. They have always been very helpful to me. ...and they never mind me eating half the bowl of candy they keep on the counter :) Wish they were open on weekends...

  • Arda ErdoÄŸan

    Arda ErdoÄŸan


    It is true that from time to time they make small mistakes or there is a stock shortage. However, As far as I know there is a limit on my medication and that’s why it seems there is always a shortage. Once, we were accidentally given the higher dose, but the pharmacy realised their mistake within half an hour. The staff is always really helpful. I don’t speak Dutch and I didn’t see anyone rolling their eyes...

  • shuozhao sun

    shuozhao sun


    have been there 3 times, once was fine, and the rest was terrible. very rude service, extremely short stock in medicine, super poor english and even not sure if they have ever been educated in Medicine...asked prescription for Vitamine C?!

  • Adrián Moreno Peña

    Adrián Moreno Peña


    Friendly english-speaking staff (up to a point), in the pharmacy, located next to the health centre. If you need some specific medicine, they can request them for you, like in other pharmacies (apotheek)

Apotheek in de buurt

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