Salvatore Ferragamo in Amsterdam

NederlandSalvatore Ferragamo



🕗 openingstijden

59-61, Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, 1071 BN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 675 6498
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3603413, Longitude: 4.8814984

opmerkingen 5

  • felicia fiumara

    felicia fiumara


    Went in to purchase a belt, I wanted the classic reversible with silver buckle. The saleswoman was so uneducated about the brand and tried to tell me they don’t make the silver buckle for women only for women employees. They only made the silver buckle for men! I walked out knowing she wasn’t making any sense and purchased the belt from another store ! They must be losing a lot of sales because of this employee !

  • Shahin Shahkarami

    Shahin Shahkarami


    Very friendly staff.

  • Duran Dai

    Duran Dai


    always perfect service. One time I came to ask for the promotions,the staff kindly answered me. Always feel happy shopping here.

  • Man Yee Lau

    Man Yee Lau


    A group of Chinese came shopping here on Wednesday 26/04 and bought a lot of stuff. One of them bought a pair of blue men loafers. It was the last pair the Chinese sales said. Once she returned back to the hotel she saw the colours of both shoes are not the same! Well if it was, and one of the shoe has discoloured then you should have told the client and give her a discount! Honestly how could you sell a pair of shoes with different colours to your clients? This is not a pair of 100€ but 540€!! And they were leaving the next day so they could not return to the shop. For a high luxury brand, this kind of service should not happen AT ALL!! Very very very disappointing!

  • Marlene Amelo

    Marlene Amelo


    Shabnab is a most cordial salesrep. She makes buying at Ferragamo a pleasure. I cannot visit Amsterdam without paying a visit to the P C Hooft shop. Bravo Bravo. Ferragamo is my number 1!

Schoenenwinkel in de buurt

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