Louis Vuitton Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandLouis Vuitton Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

140, Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, 1071 CE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 721 9441
website: en.louisvuitton.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.359675, Longitude: 4.8779855

opmerkingen 5

  • j0n C

    j0n C


    Outstanding customer service! My wife had to return a handbag we purchased in another country and the staff at this store made it easy to do. Oumaima M. was very helpful and professional, patiently assisting my wife as they spent the next hour looking at different products and styles. I highly recommend asking for Oumaima if you visit this store! The store itself seems small, but it's impressive for a temporary location and it's the largest store in the NL. Also, expect to wait in line as this is a popular store...we waited for almost an hour. While we were in the store, one of the staff started handing out bottled water to customers in the store and in line; now that's customer service!

  • Solane-Chloe Voll

    Solane-Chloe Voll


    Super friendly staff and excellent service.

  • Amber Co

    Amber Co


    We called to verify stock for a product before wasting time to the shop, and twice the shop assistant hung up the phone. She was not polite nor knowledgeable about her company’s products. At first we thought it was a mistake when she hung up on the 2nd call, we realize it was done on purpose. Rather than being patient, and professional, she chose to have a nasty attitude and lost a client. Louis Vuitton twitted about the “pillow boots” which were featured on the runway. It’s not available on the website as such we did not have a product reference code to provide. The SA had no idea of what we were speaking of. How do you not know about the products and services offered by the company?. I also suspect because I did not speak Dutch, she didn’t fancy continuing the conversation. Hello Louis Vuitton is a French brand, perhaps I should have spoken French instead. This is how companies loose clientele fast. I am the PA to a very prominent family. I was inquiring on the wife’s behalf. It’s too bad your employees are not trained to be professional, and helpful. Shame on you Louis Vuitton Amsterdam.

  • Ndyuka-Art Plein

    Ndyuka-Art Plein



  • Piala Ames

    Piala Ames


    An assistant was assigned to you for safety reasons, so you could not browse, and the atmosphere was very pressured; they clearly wanted you to decide what to buy instantly. The sales person clearly judged us purely on how we looked and did not bring the bag I wanted to see, instead he brought the cheapest bag to show us as he clearly thought I could not afford any others; even though I pointed out one which I wanted to see. After less than 5 minutes we were basically told to leave. I most likely would have purchased a bag I liked if he had not been so dismissive and judgmental.

Schoenenwinkel in de buurt

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