S J O E R D V I S in Amsterdam

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

bevestigde gevallen




NederlandS J O E R D V I S



🕗 openingstijden

47a, Langestraat, 1015 AK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 354 7225
website: www.sjoerdvis.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.377192, Longitude: 4.891155

opmerkingen 5

  • Lord In Waiting

    Lord In Waiting


    Spoil yourself!

  • Inana Kh

    Inana Kh


    I went to to the salon for a gel nails set. Frank is a very professional and patient person, he took the time to make all details perfect, the result is very beautiful well done nails. The Salon is clean and elegant. Of course add to that the warm welcoming and friendly atmosphere in the salon Definitely recommend this salon

  • Lauren R

    Lauren R


    Sjoerd and Frank are so lovely! Frank did a great job on my nails and gained a new customer! This will be my go-to for nails moving forward :)

  • Sabine Winkel

    Sabine Winkel


    Best in town ❤🔥

  • Brigitte Lapierre Armande (Kwebbelmom)

    Brigitte Lapierre Armande (Kwebbelmom)


    It doesn't get any better. Beautiful brows!

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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