Robert kookt in Amsterdam-West! in Amsterdam

NederlandRobert kookt in Amsterdam-West!


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

41C, Willem Schoutenstraat, 1057 DM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 612 0798
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3669777, Longitude: 4.8513905

opmerkingen 5

  • Wil Bremers

    Wil Bremers


    NO restaurant, only takeaway pre-ordered via site: Great food at a reasonable price!

  • nl

    rooie linda


    Goeie service...toen ik belde vroeg in de ochtend werd de telefoon direct en duidelijk opgenomen (Viktor) en hielp me zeer vriendelijk. De mensen zijn persoonlijk en bereidwillig. Dat is toch wel heel prettig in een zakelijke maatschappij. Dit is zeker een aanrader.

  • Ranya Yaakoubi

    Ranya Yaakoubi


    we would like to point out some of the flaws of your hotel, our daughter and her study group got mugged in their hotel room which was locked, thzy stole her money and both of their computers. Same as three other rooms in the same floor. The hotel didn't take full responsibility of the theft which is deamening to us because we have been told that it was a luxurious series of hotels which has a high label and a good reputation that offers good services to its residents. Our daughter lost all her money and all her files in the stolen computer while she was absent for only few minutes. It's thus premordial to take action and do something about the situtation or else we will send a letter of complaint to the neverland ambassy in tunisia and we will sue the hotel. The father of syrine ben aissa, the current resident at your hotel.

  • Fuad Anwari

    Fuad Anwari


    Its nice place... recommend

  • Daniel Linnert

    Daniel Linnert


    Nucena zastavka na ceste z Mexika, prijemny hotel, ceny mirne, posluha dobra, jak by rekl klasik...

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