R.K. Kerk van de HH. Petrus en Paulus in Amsterdam

NederlandR.K. Kerk van de HH. Petrus en Paulus


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🕗 openingstijden

58, Kalverstraat, 1012 PG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 1889
website: www.nicolaas-parochie.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3712165, Longitude: 4.8917223

opmerkingen 5

  • Bryan Allen Smith

    Bryan Allen Smith


    Love taking 15 min out of the hustle and bustle of the city to spend a quiet time with God

  • en

    Gerard Buckley


    Lovely peaceful and serene

  • Andrzej Bułeczka

    Andrzej Bułeczka


    Amazing place, totaly different world... Full of peace and bringing ones soul higher

  • Greg Stein

    Greg Stein


    This was previously a secret Catholic church during the reformation. An unassuming entrance from the street leads to a beautiful, expansive church. A men's choir sang Gregorian chant for the 12:15 Mass which was incredible. Well worth a quick visit if you're nearby. Sunday Mass Times: 10:30 High Mass (Latin/Dutch) 12:15 High Mass (Latin/English)

  • Nico Zwaneveld

    Nico Zwaneveld


    A formerly concealed church... Peace in the middle of a hectic Amsterdam This is a former concealed Catholic church, stil in use for Holy Mass and confession. Yes, it is open to the public. Walk down Kalverstraat to find this church. Keep your eyes open, because it is easy to walk by this location. You will immediately feel the peace and quite as you enter. Walk right in and have a look around. This is a house of worship, so please whisper so others can sit down and accept the invitation that is posted by the entrance of this church: "15 minutes for God". There is a host sitting in the back of the church, available to answer your questions, provide you with a candle, and even a rosary if you wish. As you sit here, you can only start to imagine how this church was built and used after the Catholic's were forced to leave the city. This church is proof that no matter how hard we try, you can never truly force a change of religious tradition on anybody. Beliefs will continue to live on, no matter how hard you try to influence it.

Kerk in de buurt

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