Pronto Italia in Amsterdam

NederlandPronto Italia



🕗 openingstijden

263, Kastelenstraat, 1082 EG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 661 3500
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.325807, Longitude: 4.871119

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Anneke de Moor


    Super pizza met lekkere dunne knapperige bodem, goeie pasta en salade. Binnen een half uur, maar vaak veel sneller staat het eten op tafel. Je kunt pinnen als je dit bij je bestelling opgeeft. Top bedrijf met aardige medewerkers die al jaren kwaliteit leveren. Wij zijn er blij mee!

  • Tarik Kurt

    Tarik Kurt


    Zoals altijd lekker gegeten, vriendelijk personeel, goede prijzen. Zeker een aanrader...

  • manKe - Sebastian Diaz

    manKe - Sebastian Diaz


    Hard to say, the pizza was looking so good but it was super salty. Another bad thing is I went to the store the manager was making the pizzas and touching the money, cough and doing other stuff it wasn't a clean place. But still a 3 stars because salty, dirty but a decent pizza

  • nl



    Lekkere pizza's en gerechten! Personeel ook zeer vriendelijk.

  • en

    Ash InAmsterdam


    The first time I walked in about 6 weeks ago, on a strong recommendation, I chatted with the staff about the family business, the fresh ingredients, and the homemade meals and desserts. I was told at that time that by ordering online I could enjoy a 10% discount including free delivery, so that's what we've done (as there is no option to collect when ordering online). The three most recent orders have been delivered wrong - the wrong items, or a duplicated order, and tonight our food just didn't arrive. The restaurant did not answer their phone three times, so I visited them to find that my order had been received but not entered in their computer. I cancelled the order, 90 minutes after placing it, and left. The food is really very good. Their pizzas taste amazing and are huge, and their other meals fresh and tasty and also very generous. Unfortunately the service has been far less than stellar, and as such we'll be visiting this place a lot less frequently - and never again online.

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