7 Spices Indian Food in Amstelveen

Nederland7 Spices Indian Food



🕗 openingstijden

8, De Beerebijt, 1181 MN, Amstelveen, Amstelveen, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 345 0330
website: www.sevenspices.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.310087, Longitude: 4.870034

opmerkingen 5

  • Sarah R

    Sarah R


    great food, loads of vegetarian options! big portions, recommend the shahi paneer with garlic naan

  • nl

    Marloes Vos


    Superlekker Indiaas eten en fantastische service.

  • Denis B.

    Denis B.


    Update:stopped ordering there as food became much worse. One of the best authentic Indian restaurants in town and relatively cheap on top!

  • en

    Pratt Neo


    WORST INDIAN FOOD I'VE EVER EATEN !!! This is what you get- 1. Uncooked gravy 2. Exxxxxxtremely spicy 3. No taste at all...so no question of authenticity 4. Rubbery rotis, naan etc I bet anyone who will cook food for the first time in his/her life will end up with a dish better than what you get here...

  • en

    gajanan kotgire


    I visited this restaurant several times. It has got great ambience. Food was very tasty and service is also great. In general, I would love to eat here again.

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