Politie station Amsterdam Centrum Jordaan in Amsterdam

NederlandPolitie station Amsterdam Centrum Jordaan


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

219, Lijnbaansgracht, 1017 PH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 900 8844
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3651953, Longitude: 4.88146

opmerkingen 5

  • Maddie B Ward

    Maddie B Ward


    Will not allow you to call and isn’t open.

  • J Marz

    J Marz


    The worse police station in the world I think They dont care about tourist

  • Adrian Jäger

    Adrian Jäger


    These guys are doing a great job - even in the most lively areas residents and their guests can feel safe and protected. Thanks!

  • David Bader

    David Bader


    Horrible police station. So hostile and not eager to help. Gives an unsafe vibe and the whole staff is rude and unhelpful. The beautiful police staff should apply as models and forget about protecting and serving.

  • سلمان العنزي

    سلمان العنزي


    Someone broke my window car, and stole my bag and iPhone .. when i call the police they said go to the police station.. when i came there they only give me a report for that ! And they didn’t do anything they didn’t even try to do something or watch the Camera in Dam square parking area .

Politie in de buurt

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