Police Station Amsterdam-Centrum Amstel in Amsterdam

NederlandPolice Station Amsterdam-Centrum Amstel


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

2, IJ-tunnel, 1011 TA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 900 8844
website: www.politie.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3699705, Longitude: 4.9090807

opmerkingen 5

  • Aymane Kamel

    Aymane Kamel


    Very slow, unhelpful. As a Dutchman I recommend you to go to another police station.

  • Memories L

    Memories L


    If you are a foreigner in Amsterdam, then do not expecting the Dutch police will help you. When you call the police, they will not assist you, the only answer I got is, sorry we do not have enough people to come. When local Dutch called they can arrived very fast. Guys enjoy your vacation in Amsterdam with no safety protection.

  • Hazem Al-Taher

    Hazem Al-Taher


    Very helpful police station, i lost my wallet and went for two police stations who didn’t care or reported, they just asked me to follow with ilost.co, but this station helped me so far & took my complain seriously, reported my lost wallet, and registered my information on their computer, the officers their very polite & helpful as i was expecting from a police station,

  • Jesse Hueben

    Jesse Hueben


    My bike was locked and i lost the key. The police man called their colleges to come and cut the lock for free. Very helpful 5/5

  • Adrian



    S.o. has stolen my wallet which was including the key of my rented flat when I spend some days in Amsterdam with a girlfriend. It was 4 AM and quite cold. Unfortunately every hotel near by was full. Pretty challenging situation...So I asked two police officers for help. They called some hotels and found one with a free room. Then they were so kind to bring us to that hotel and initiated the contact. To be honest I'd have never imagined police officers that motivated to help in let's say "minor" situations. THANKS

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