Polikliniek voor Dermatologie Dr. J. Ph. de Bliek & Dr. I. Kuijken & Dr. S. Laane in Amsterdam

NederlandPolikliniek voor Dermatologie Dr. J. Ph. de Bliek & Dr. I. Kuijken & Dr. S. Laane



🕗 openingstijden

118, Frederik Hendrikstraat, 1052 JB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 684 3238
website: www.dermatoloog-amsterdam.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3754335, Longitude: 4.8729159

opmerkingen 5

  • Wessel L

    Wessel L


    I have been a client of Dr. Chick, and I'm very satisfied. During this time she has tried to improve my skin in various ways, and I hope that this has really succeeded. Only praise, 10 stars!

  • marjolein de Leon

    marjolein de Leon


    I am very satisfied with Dr. Kuijken and recommend her to everyone, A doctor with a lot of knowledge and excellent help for her patients. Even in busy times, she does a lot of extras for everyone ....: I am very happy with her !! All praise for this fantastic doctor! In addition, the practice is easily accessible by telephone and the assistants are more than customer-friendly and do their best to help you quickly and adequately. 5 stars are more than deserved!

  • Jeroen Wilmink

    Jeroen Wilmink


    Accessible practice where you are helped very expertly and pleasantly.

  • Ana Cristina Patino

    Ana Cristina Patino


    Doctor Kuijken was wonderful, so empathetic and professional. I’m very thankful to her and this practice.




    The greatest doctor and person living in Amsterdam. Emre

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