GP on the Herengracht in Amsterdam

NederlandGP on the Herengracht



🕗 openingstijden

278B, Herengracht, 1016 BX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 524 7070
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3709177, Longitude: 4.8865142

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Serghei Pautov


    Best GP you could possibly get in Amsterdam!

  • Aviad Paz

    Aviad Paz


    Member here for 6 years and not planning to leave. The best in the city.

  • Rachelle Young

    Rachelle Young


    They're not accepting patients but get yourself on the wait list. The staff is great. Doctor is responsive to email questions. I have the smallest veins ever and the nurses can draw blood without any bruising or pain! Make an appointment online to avoid waiting although they do accept walk-ins.

  • en

    Marion Rijsdijk


    Jan is the best GP I've ever had. He is personally involved, easy to reach, quick to respond, clear in his communication and available when you need him. He knows the best hospitals and specialists to transfer to and he helps to make things uncomplicated. Jan is considerate with his patients and walks alongside them to do whats best for them. In my experience this modern practice was always available by phone and the assistant was very qualified.

  • Marc Joffe

    Marc Joffe


    This is the local GP or doctor for the area, and all expats must register first before they come in. You can do this with their online form, just check out their website. The doctors are friendly and happy to refer you to a specialist if needed. They answer questions by email and you can get a prescription emailed from Huisarts to the pharmacy aka apotheek which is convenient for pick up too. Very clean office and not long wait times.

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