Old Amsterdam Cheese Store in Amsterdam

NederlandOld Amsterdam Cheese Store



🕗 openingstijden

62, Damrak, 1012 JS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 330 1602
website: oldamsterdamcheesestore.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.374941, Longitude: 4.895075

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    jakir ali


    Great shop! We had such a great experience with the cheese and wine tasting. The staff was wonderful and very informative.

  • en

    Herman W


    Not old cheese. Not from Amsterdam. Don’t be a stereotype tourist and go to Kaaskamer, Kaashuis Tromp or Abraham Kef instead.

  • en



    The Wine and Cheese tasting was one of our favourite things we did while in Amsterdam. Friendly staff and a variety of delicious cheese to choose from.

  • Gojan Majkovic

    Gojan Majkovic


    Typical Duch cheese store. If You wanna buy a famous Amsterdam cheese this is the right place for You. A lot of different flavours to choose. Best prices. It is better and cheeper to buy here than on tax free store on airport. Strongly recommend to try cream old Amsterdam cheese with bread sticks.

  • Dave Ackerman

    Dave Ackerman


    The cheese and wine tasting was amazing. Ron was funny, knowledgeable, and have a great time. Worth every penny and a fun time

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