Toko Dun Yong in Amsterdam

NederlandToko Dun Yong



🕗 openingstijden

9, Stormsteeg, 1012 BD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 261 7689
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3743435, Longitude: 4.9008354

opmerkingen 5

  • tugrul uzel

    tugrul uzel


    Would definitely recommend the restaurant on 4th floor. They are closing the restaurant at 16:30 at the moment so check the latest opening hours before heading. Ramen in the restaurant was one of the best ramens I had in Europe The shop on first and second floor has many amenities from far east. You can find everything you need for making sushi or any dish from japan/korea.

  • Jeroen Witte

    Jeroen Witte


    Lot's of products that are easy to find. Plenty of room to walk when it's crowded.

  • Gregoire



    on the 4th floor they have a Japanese diner, great food and a very cute waiter-cook

  • DJ Titus LIVE

    DJ Titus LIVE


    Fantastic shop.. the best in Holland.. hands down . They have everything.

  • Fernanda Vloet

    Fernanda Vloet


    I love to buy noodles there. Best noodles ever. And everything else, curry sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil. And the bowls are just beautiful.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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