Nieuwezijds- Gay Sauna Amsterdam (Sauna NZ) in Amsterdam

NederlandNieuwezijds- Gay Sauna Amsterdam (Sauna NZ)



🕗 openingstijden

95, Nieuwezijds Armsteeg, 1012 NB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 331 8327
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3769792, Longitude: 4.8956298

opmerkingen 5

  • Saul Ulreich

    Saul Ulreich


    They do not recognize international (paper) covid vaccination certificates. I have been to 4 European countries, and my Yellow Vaccine booklet & Dutch (paper) vaccine certificates have been accepted everywhere. Even on the airlines. Don't bother. Pathetic. EDIT: to owner's response. The "CoronaCheck app" is still not working for over 3 million Dutch residents, and many more foreigners. Until the technical issues are resolved, all venues have been requested to be reasonable in the application of proof of vaccine/test/recovery. Your company has decided not to be. WARNING TO AMERICANS: Your CDC vaccine certificate (on paper) is valid in Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece (and probably many more countries). It is NOT valid in the Netherlands. I'm traveling with an American friend of mine. We are welcome in venues everywhere, except in the Netherlands.

  • O.A.K Xovbinek

    O.A.K Xovbinek


    Hello. I have to pay twice for re-enter card.And if you can't prove of your payment its powerless. In this place (general) you never get any recipe for any consumption. Water temperature for the sauna facilities not adjusted well to feel comfortable. Smells urine and feces in the darkroom areas. Injoy🙂.

  • Piotr Wrobel

    Piotr Wrobel


    I went to NZ sauna twice in last 3 weeks. First time when i went with my friend we needed to make a reservation and it was 50 people max allowed inside and this time it was amazing. Mix guys like young, middle age guys and a few old guys and all was ok. But when NZ sauna change rules for QR-code ( i did QR cause i went for party but before party i went to sauna) i went once and i can say it was terrieble. I went when it was raining and it was really really a lot of guys 60+ not mixed age guys. I know that sauna want more people but still a lot of guys has one vacc and need every time make a test but atm i don't recommend a NZ sauna (without QR but woth reservation was really beter.)

  • Ricardo Soler

    Ricardo Soler


    Excellent location, clean and friendly atmosphere!!! Staff is super friendly, chill and courteous 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • Travis E.

    Travis E.


    Great place. Usually very clean and tidy unless it’s super busy. They all do a great job there. All the responses about the horrible staff make me laugh. All or most of the guys are great and very friendly. Some have even become good friends. My partner and I always feel welcomed and have a great time. Wish I had a sauna like this at home. Thanks for the fun time guys.

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