NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam

NederlandNEMO Science Museum



🕗 openingstijden

2, Oosterdok, 1011 VX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 531 3233
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3742111, Longitude: 4.9123385

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Richard Parkin


    The website doesn't do this place justice. If you have kids....or even if you don't....this place is a must. Loads of fun things for them to discover. I thought we'd only be there 2 hours tops. We spent 4.5hrs there. From the interactive exhibits, to the view on the roof, the great food and the brilliant show we had a great time. Highly recommend

  • en

    Richard Jones


    This is a great interactive experience. My daughter is 3.5yrs old and I feel she is a bit young to get the best out of it. But she did love running around. I can imagine we will be regular visitors to Nemo over the next few years. The restaurant on the top floor is nice, a little bit expensive with not enough food options for kids I felt but the views from the terrace across Amsterdam are great.

  • Assaf Canaan

    Assaf Canaan


    Great science museum for children of all ages. Located 8 min walking from Amsterdam central station so can be reached via trains, trams or bicycles. Everything is self operated, nothing is forbidden, hundreds of activities, all are briefly explained in Dutch and English. No need for a map, just let the kids find their interest. Recommended time for a visit is 3-5 hours. Free lockers available on ground floor. Eat at the restaurant on top level or bring your own snacks. Price is 16.60 euro for ages 4+.

  • en

    Gina Park


    Best play/learning ground for families in the whole city! Adults have a lot to read and learn themselves while kids play with all the amazing toys. There's also a section for teens and the cafe on the top floor is relaxing and the view of the whole city is breathtaking from up there. Modern, fun, scenic, educative. It's located only one bus ride away from the central station.

  • Louisa Georgiou

    Louisa Georgiou


    Amazing place to take kids!! Really interactive and full of colour. Perfect size... Small enough that it doesn't take too long to see and the kids don't get bored but also big enough that you could come again and notice / learn something new. Facilities are also good (lockers, accessible toilets etc.) and the shop has some lovely things at reasonable prices. We've been twice and would visit again :)

Museum in de buurt

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