Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandVerzetsmuseum Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

61, Plantage Kerklaan, 1018 CX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 620 2535
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.36781, Longitude: 4.9127609

opmerkingen 5

  • Ruben Naeff

    Ruben Naeff


    Excellent for children of any age, really. Mine were 8 and 5, and spent over an hour and a half in the single junior section of the museum - which is great for adults as well.

  • Kelly Dobson

    Kelly Dobson


    Wonderful museum. This was recommended by my tour guide and I am so glad I went. Educational and powerful. Don't miss.

  • Ranjatiana R.

    Ranjatiana R.


    Very great museum with tons of content and stories to keep in mind. We spent 1 hour and a half there, with the audio guide. It's definitely good value for money.

  • Gabriele Orio

    Gabriele Orio


    The Museum describes the experience of resistance in the Netherlands with direct accounts from people who were there. There is plenty of valuable information to learn in all different great audio visuals. Plan for a long visit because this is worthed.

  • Gábor Fonyó

    Gábor Fonyó


    Great museum with lots of info presented in creative ways. 2-3 hours depending on the temporary exhibition.

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